- Installation Restoration Program (IRP)
- Chemical Emissions Inventory
- Radon Mitigation
- Community Pollution Prevention Programs
- RCRAd Part B Permitting
- RCRA Subpart X Permitting (Open Burn/Open Detonation)
- Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessments
- Management Action Plans
- Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) for Waste Area Groups (WAGs) and RCRA Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs)
- RCRA Facility Investigation Reports
- Remedial Action planning for contaminated burial grounds, land farms, and holding ponds
- Project Management Plans for landfills
- Current condition descriptions for groundwater plume contamination
- Lead contaminated soil removal
- In Situ Vitrification (ISV) work plans
- Human Health Risk Assessment Reports
- Earth Fill Disposal Zones
- Record of Decision Reports